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## Padma Purana
**13.** Why should I grieve now, remembering the past? I will perform actions that will benefit my soul.
**132.** Worrying is not the cause of liberation from suffering. Therefore, I will embrace the path that leads to liberation with full reverence.
**133.** The elephant, known as Upendravajra, who remembered his past lives, had attained great detachment from the world. His soul was completely turned away from sinful actions, and he was focused on accumulating virtuous deeds. He sat peacefully before the ornament of the three worlds, the elephant Bharata.
**134.** Gautama Swami said, "O King! The evil deeds done in past lives cause intense suffering later. Therefore, O noble ones! Perform virtuous deeds, for it is not right to stumble while the sun is shining."
Thus ends the eighty-third chapter of the Padma Purana, known as the **Tribhuvanalankarakshobha**, narrated by the sage Ravishena, which describes the distress of the elephant, the ornament of the three worlds.
**130.** How did this elephant become a parable? Alas, this sinful act is to be condemned!
**1.** May it be so.