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Ekōnāśītitamaṃ parva
Āyāntīmantikam kiñcid vaidehīmāparājitaḥ | Vilōkya nirupākhyānaṃ bhāvaṃ kamapi saṅgataḥ ||45|| Vinayēna samāsādya ramaṇaṃ ratisundari | Vāṣpākulēkṣaṇā tasthau puraḥ saṅgamānākula ||46|| Śacīva saṅgatā śakraṃ ratirva kusumāyudham | Nijadharmamahinsa nu subhadrā bharatēśvaram ||47|| Cirasthālōkya tāṃ padmaḥ saṅgamaṃ nūtanaṃ vidan | Manōrāthaśatairlabdhāṃ phalabhārapraṇāmibhiḥ ||48|| Hṛdayēna vahan kampaṃ cirāsaṅgasvabhāvajam | Mahādyutidhara kāntaḥ sambhrāntataralalakṣaṇaḥ ||49|| Kēyūradaṣṭamūlābhyāṃ bhujābhyāṃ kṣaṇamātrataḥ | Sañjātapīvaratvābhyāmāliliṅga rasādhikam ||50|| Tāmāliṅganvilīnō tu magnō nu sukhasāgarē | Hṛdayaṃ sampraviṣṭō nu punarvirahataḥ bhayāt ||51|| Priyakaṇṭhasamāsaktabāhupāśā sumanasā | Kalpapādapa saṃsaktā hēmavallīva sā babhau ||52|| Udbhūtapulakasyāsya saṅgamēnātisaukhyataḥ | Mithunaśyōpamāṃ prāptaṃ tadēva mithunaṃ param ||53|| Dṛṣṭvā suvihitaṃ sītārāmadevāsamāgamam | Tamambaragatā dēvā mumucuḥ kusumāñjali ||54|| Gandhōdakaṃ ca saṃguñjad bhrāntabhrāmarabhrīrukam | Vimucya mēghapṛṣṭhasthāḥ sasṛjurbhāritīriti ||55|| Ahō nirupamam dhairyaṃ sītāyāḥ sādhucētasaḥ | Ahō gāmbhīryamakṣōbhamahō śīlammanōjñatā ||56|| Ahō nuṃ vrātanaiṣkampyamahō sattvaṃ samunnataṃ | Manasā'pi yayā nēṣṭō rāvaṇaḥ śuddhavṛttayā ||57|| Sambhrāntō lakṣmaṇastāvad vaidēhyāścaraṇadvayam | Abhivādya purastasthau vinayānatavigrahaḥ ||58||
The eighty-ninth chapter
Seeing the invincible Vaidehi (Sita) approaching somewhat near, Sri Rama attained a certain indescribable state of mind. With humility, the beautiful Sita, agitated with longing, stood before him. She appeared like Shachi (Indrani) by the side of Indra, like Rati by the side of the Flowery-Arrowed (Kamadeva), like Ahimsa by the side of the Lord of Bharata, and like Subhadra by the side of Bharatadhiraja. Seeing her after a long time, Padma (Rama) realized that this was a new union, obtained through hundreds of desires and bowed down by the weight of their fruits. Bearing in his heart the trembling born of the nature of their long separation, the handsome one with great splendor, with his eyes restless in shyness, embraced her with his arms adorned with armlets, which had become plump in an instant. Whether he was dissolved in her embrace, or immersed in the ocean of bliss, or had entered his heart again out of fear of separation - this cannot be said. Attached to his dear neck with her arms, she appeared like a golden creeper clinging to a wish-fulfilling tree. Due to the extreme happiness arising from their union, the comparison of this couple reached the highest level of a couple. Seeing the well-arranged meeting of Sita and Sri Rama, the gods in the sky showered flowers. The gods on the mountain tops, releasing fragrant water accompanied by buzzing bees, uttered the words "Bhāritī". Oh, the incomparable courage of the virtuous-minded Sita! Oh, her profundity and imperturbability! Oh, her lovely character! Oh, the firmness of her vows! Oh, her lofty spirit, by which even Ravana was not desired by her pure conduct. Meanwhile, Lakshmana, bewildered, stood before the feet of Vaidehi with a humble and bowed form.