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Padma Purana
"My son, it is right for me to go with you. How can I bear to live without seeing you?" (176)
"Father, husband, or son, these are the three supports of a virtuous woman. My father has completed his time, and my husband is eager to take initiation. Thus, you are the only support of my life now. If you too leave me, tell me, what fate will I meet?" (177-178)
Hearing this, Rama said, "Mother, the earth is very hard with stones. How can you walk on this uneven earth with your feet?" (179)
"Therefore, I will go alone now and find a comfortable place. Then, I will bring you there by some means. So, why do you say you will leave me?" (180)
"Mother, I touch your feet and say that I will surely come to take you. Leave me now, O wise mother!" (181)
Hearing this, Rama's mother left him and comforted him with many auspicious words. Rama, having reached his father, who had attained enlightenment, prostrated before him. (182)
He greeted all the other mothers except Aparajita, consoled them with many sweet words, embraced his brothers and had sweet conversations with them. Then, Rama, whose noble heart was free from sorrow and who was skilled in all kinds of justice, reached Sita's palace, his heart filled with love. (183-184)
Rama said, "My dear, you stay here. I will go to another city." Then, the virtuous woman replied, "Wherever you are, I will be there too." (185)
After this, Rama respectfully inquired of all the ministers, kings, and other members of the family. He spoke with great eagerness to the wise men of the city. (186)
At this time, many friends, filled with affection, gathered around him, embracing him repeatedly, full of respect, and their eyes filled with tears. Rama repeatedly asked them to return. (187)
Then, with gentle eyes, he looked at the chief ministers and the protectors of the people. With a calm and steady mind, he left his father's house. (188)