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## The Thirty-Third Chapter
With her mind overflowing with brotherly affection, Sita, with a choked voice, began to weep. ||69||
Then Rama, with his beautiful form, spoke in sweet words, "Vaidehi, why are you grieving with sorrow for your brother?" ||70||
"If he is indeed your brother, we will know tomorrow, there is no doubt. Or if it is someone else, what is the use of grieving, O learned one?" ||71||
"Wise people do not grieve for what has passed, for the dead, for what has been taken, for what has gone out, or for what has been lost." ||72||
"O beloved, grief is for the cowardly and the ignorant. The valiant and the wise never grieve." ||73||
Thus, as the couple conversed, night passed quickly, as if by mercy, and the auspicious sounds of dawn began. ||74||
Then King Dasharatha, after attending to his personal affairs with respect, departed from the city with his sons and wives. ||75||
He was accompanied by hundreds of vassals. He was amazed as he saw the vast army of celestial beings spread out everywhere. ||76||
He saw a place, built by the celestial beings, equal to the city of Indra, with high ramparts and towers, in a moment. ||77||
It was adorned with flags and arches, and decorated with jewels. He entered that garden, filled with virtuous people. ||78||
There, he bowed and praised his Guru, the best of the virtuous, and witnessed the initiation ceremony of the celestial chariot, named Chandragatika, at sunrise. ||79||
He performed a grand worship of the Guru along with the celestial beings. Then, he sat on one side, surrounded by all his relatives. ||80||
The celestial beings, along with the celestial sphere, also sat on one side, carrying a little grief. ||81||
The celestial beings, the earth-dwellers, and the sages, all sat together, listening to the Guru's discourse on the Dharma of the ascetics and the householders. ||82||
The Guru said, "The Dharma of the ascetics is the Dharma of the valiant, it is extremely peaceful, it is auspicious, it is extremely...