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## Padma Purana:
"The letters, brought with great difficulty to the mouth, were established in the heart. They were placed on the lips, but many of them vanished there." ||43|| "He kept spitting, moving his lips again and again, and touching his heart with the hand that had been brought with great difficulty." ||44|| "Behind his head, there were white hairs like the rays of the moon, and his beard, like a white chamara, was moving gently." ||45|| "His bones were covered with a skin as thin as a fly's wing, and his red eyes were covered by white eyebrows." ||46|| "His restless body was enveloped by a network of clearly visible veins. He had the appearance of an unfinished clay toy. He was wearing clothes with great difficulty, and his cheeks, as if struck by frost, were trembling. He was trying to speak, but his tongue was stumbling and moving with difficulty to the palate and other places. If he managed to utter even a single letter, he considered it a great celebration. He wanted to speak some letters, but instead, he uttered others. He was releasing the broken letters, which were very difficult to pronounce, like worn-out thorns, with great effort." ||47-50||
"O master, compassionate to your servants! What is my fault, old man, that you, the god adorned with the jewel of knowledge, have become angry?" ||51|| "My arms were once like the trunk of an elephant, my body was very strong and tall. My chest was broad, my shoulders were like the pillars used to tie elephants, and my body was shaped like the peak of Mount Meru. It was the powerful cause of many wonderful deeds." ||52-53|| "O god! My hands were once capable of crushing strong doors, and the kick of my foot could break even a mountain. I used to cross high and low ground with speed. O master! I used to reach my desired destination quickly, like a royal swan." ||54-55|| "O king! My vision was so strong that..." ||56||
He placed his knees on the ground and his hands in a gesture of supplication, and spoke with great difficulty. ||42||