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The twenty-eighth chapter. Surely these people are Vidya-bhṛtas, I have heard that they dwell on the peak of Vijayagiri. ||105|| In the midst of this army, seated in his own aerial chariot, a certain Vidya-dhara king shines with supreme brilliance. ||106|| Thus, while the king was absorbed in thought, the foremost of the Daityas, filled with joy and with a bowed form, arrived at the Caitya-bhavana. ||107|| Seeing the Daitya king, whose presence was both terrifying and peaceful, Janaka stood still, meditating on something, in the midst of his throne. ||108|| With devotion, he also offered the best worship to the moon-chariot, and bowing down according to the proper procedure, he uttered the highest praise of the Jinas. ||109|| Placing a Vīṇā, whose sound was most pleasing, on his lap, he sang the praises of the Jinas, filled with great devotion. ||110||
In the four-line verse, he said: "O noble ones! Always bow down to the Jina-indra, who is the bestower of blessings on the three worlds, whose praise is sung by those whose minds are fixed on the method of performing the highest worship, who is bowed down to by the host of Indra and the other gods, and who is the possessor of inexhaustible and imperishable happiness. ||111|| O virtuous ones! Always bow down with your mind, your words, and your head to the Lord Ṛṣabha, who is endowed with excellent fortune, who is the bestower of blessings, who is the best, who is imperishable, who is possessed of supreme knowledge, and by bowing down to whom all sins are destroyed. ||112|| Bow down to the Jina-vara, who is supremely excellent, who has destroyed sin, who has attained the supreme state of liberation, whose feet are worshipped by all the gods and demons, and who has conquered the great enemy, anger. ||113|| I, with a devoted mind, bow down to the Jina-indra, whose body is marked by excellent signs, who has made the whole assembly of men bow down, and whose worship destroys all sins. ||114||
1. Vidya-dhara. 2. In the midst of this army, seated in his own aerial chariot. 3. Filled with joy. 4. With a bowed form. 5. Vīṇā.