Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
The learned ones, the gods, freed from the greatness of knowledge,
These two are suitable for acquiring knowledge,
There was no gain of knowledge for them,
Knowledge is desired to be obtained in the time of blazing fire,
Making a weapon storehouse by some trick of fate,
By fate, they were made to cross over, by fate, they were made to be in the water,
Fate is like the goddess of love, fate is intertwined with each other,
Removing the pair of wings of fate, see the yoga I have done, the destruction of the vajra storehouse, endowed with virtues like humility,
Without these two, who are humble,
The destruction of that one came,
Immersed in the far-reaching, hearing his words,
The strength, character, and potential for lightning are suitable for the long-faced one with blazing fire mouths,
This one is a lightning bolt, wise,
This one is also a lightning bolt, a friend,
The king of the lightning forest,
The lightning-faced one,
The lightning-colored one,
The lightning-carrying one, the wind-carrying one,
To attain knowledge, to honor, and to make greatness, the creator, today, the power, the one with the teeth of creation, he also,
Making Janaki in the middle,
Making the high, immovable mountains,
Making the kingdom, the one stained with wealth and sin,
Making the bull, etc.,
The humble one, wearing the humble dress, abandoning the humble one,
The earth is humble, whose humble ones are skilled in the arts,
Entertainment is a thorn, truth,
Leaving the presented entertainment,
This Vindhya is full of treasures,
Placing the one full of devotion,
And making the creation in the lap,
To make us,
The one with large breasts and humble limbs,
In the large island of the demons,
After making the conversation,
With the harsh words of the Brahmin,
The Brahmin said by way of a remedy,
Awakened, they saw that one,
Awakening, some said here,
In the darkness of the night,
Expelling Vibhishana,
By the son of Vibhishana, Vibhishana, I have no sorrow,
In the union of Vibhishana,
Vibhishana, in the third, when Vibhishana came,
By Vibhishana, where first,
Hearing what Vibhishana said,
The Lord, to the city of the sun,
That glory of his, that one,
The one with great glory, and pure conduct in the world,
In the pure water, with the lotus,
The beautiful-peaked chariot,
The supreme shadow chariot,
The very large chariot of that one,
The chariot like the sun,
The chariot of the best form,
The chariot-carrying bells,
With beautiful ones like chariots,
Released from the suffering of relatives, released from all possessions, released from the crown of the door,
The one desiring the right hand, the one with the lightning bolt,
Seeing the sky, the earth, and the one who descended,
Separated from relatives, the sorrow of separation, death, disease,
By the fire of separation, very much,
The one who is completely disgusted,
The prince was insulted, the king of the insulted,
Another one was insulted,
All the kings are different,
He cried and grieved,
Making the lament,
All of you are for entertainment,
The dispute of the arrogant ones thus,
At the time of marriage,
Full of various vehicles,
Full of various cows,
They are devoid of reason,
He entered, thinking,
That one entered the lion's belly,
The one touched by the hand of the gentle one,
Calling the one named Visakha,
The one named with great light,
The one with the large lotus,
The one covered with large leaves,
The one named with great glory,
Born of a pure family, the ones with pure demon lineage,
The one who is confident in someone's wife,
As long as the minds are confident,
The clash of uneven mountains,
The one who is more uneven,
Whatever is subject to the senses,
The one with the horn-point, the one who is connected, the one who is sad, the ones who are gathered again, the incomparable sadness, god,
The one who is scattered in the underworld somewhere,