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## Sloka Index:
See him, devoid of wealth, 333 with a stone for his body
In front of the kings, 174 see the chariot of the sky, 356 seeing such a father, 74 in the southern part of the city, 274 see him, the great fearful one
Parents with a group
81 because of the city's extreme difficulty, see the horses at the gate, 410 the father, having heard that word
Previously, the shape of a mountain, 48 see, see, O best of men!
The father, Dasaratha, whose 305 previously accumulated from the very beginning, see the greatness of sin, 226 the father, the lord, or the son
The ancient story, see, abandoning the mother, 82 to protect the father's truth
Previously, in many battles, 255 see how Sita goes, 82 hearing the father's music, 404 previously, who ate many meats, see my husband in battle, the father's end, then taken
Previously, a special story, 312 seeing that, so they said, 336 the father's element, with sorrow, 300
Previously, together, joy, 1 see the great virtue of that one, tied to someone's armor
What man is this in the world, 171 see our disgust, 47 destroys the five colors
The best of men, my mother, 226 we see them, fearless, arrogant, 134. With the lotus petal
In the city, to make beauty, 278 the ring on the hand, Sita
Full of sugarcane and rice, 104 in front, I will release, serve, 120 what would be the underworld, taken
From the loss of merit, fallen, 372 the priest, an elephant was born, from the underworld, what, 30 meritorious, these praiseworthy, 46 placing the flower tip, 261 the effect of giving to the deserving, 211
The flower crown, great red, 364 giving to the deserving, great giving
By the virtue of merit, of great men, 357. Full of flower clusters, by the virtue of giving to the deserving, 201 by merit, happiness is obtained, 72 flowers, fragrance, food, by giving to the deserving, vows, conduct
The son of Prakash Singh, 2 fallen from the flower, the earth struck by his feet, 332 the kingdom is yours, son
With flowers, born from water and land, 103 the foot, the mountain, the touch of the wind, 162 you will have sons, here
Filled with hands, the rays of the moon, 345 what is the nature of these trees, with sons, together, consulting
The whole world stands, creatures, 307 son, get up, we will go to the city
Previously, Sanatkumara, 144 by the virtue of past actions, inspired, 262 the son of Anaraye Raj
By the virtue of past actions, the state, 371 the foot, the support, broken, 338 again and again, he asked
Previously, in the wheel, Lakshmi Nath, 216 by the effect of foot water, 202 again and again, he asked her
Previously, in this life, I am, 57 various drinks, 126 again, by other soldiers, quickly, 366 previously, the front door, the pride, which, 138 sin, action, afflicted
108 again, from the wind, the side, 274 previously, through the front door, in travel, 368 sin, killing, all
107 again, Raghava said, 121 previously, already, gone out, 18 sinful, not long-lived, 253
Again, thinking in battle, 248 previously, already, taken, from where, the one who has crossed over, Sita, with, 60 again, he said to Bharata, 65 previously, the connection of anger, 388 the king, the brilliant one, some, 406 again, there, Gandhari
Going east and west, protecting his own army, purifies, protects this one
Previously, fallen from heaven, 372 the noose, in this interval, bowing, 28
Having done, great strength
166 of Pushan, whose hands are fierce, on the side, of Padmanabha, 348 previously, the enthusiasm, 153 asking, Sri, the earth, his
111 by her, on the side, shone
The city, village, together
166 the earth, beloved, his, 127 on the side, of Kamalakanta, in the city, great sorrow
The earth, the queen, pleased
141 342