Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Here is the English translation of the provided Sanskrit text, with the Sanskrit words preserved:
26. In the Padmapurana, it is said: "That woman whose hips are adorned (वरारोहा) and who is enveloped by the radiance (कान्तिसंप्लावितांशुका) of beauty, if she is regarded (वीक्षित) by the yogis, she indeed uproots even their hearts (स्वान्तं समूलमपि योगिनाम्)."
40. "Leaving you aside, to whom else could she be suitable? Make effort (यत्नं) in this matter so that a worthy meeting (योग्यसंगमः) may take place."
41. Thus speaking, the sage Narada, having fulfilled his purpose (चरितार्थः), went away, while Bhāmaṇḍala, struck by the arrows (कुमार) of desire, began to ponder (विचार) in this way:
42. "Since my mind (मन) is so agitated (आकुल) by desire that if I do not obtain this jewel (रत्न) of a woman quickly, I will surely not live (जीवेयं)."
43. "This beautiful maiden who holds (धारयन्ती) supreme beauty (परां कान्तिम), resides in my heart, yet how is she kindled (कुरुते) by the flames of this pain (तापम्) like that of fire?"
44. "The sun (सूर्य) burns only the external skin, but desire (मन्मथ) burns the internal (अन्तश्च). Even when the sun sets (अन्तर्द्धिरस्ति), desire never sets."
45. "At this moment, I think only two things are to be achieved (प्राप्तव्यमध्युना) by me: either uniting with that jewel of a woman, or being struck down by the arrows of desire."
46. "Thus, while constantly meditating (ध्यान) on her, Bhāmaṇḍala found no peace (धैर्य) anywhere, neither in food (भोजन) nor in sleep (शयन), neither in the palace (प्रासादे) nor in the garden (उद्याने)."
47. Then, when the women (स्त्रियो) learned that Narada was the cause (कारणम्) of the prince's (कुमार) distress (दःख), they, being distressed (उद्विग्नाः), promptly reported (न्यवेदयन्) this news to the prince's father.
48. "Narada is indeed the source of all this misfortune (अनर्थ), he has brought a very beautiful woman (समस्त), inscribing her onto a canvas (पटे)."
49. "Seeing her, the prince's mind has become extremely agitated (विह्वली), and he is unable to find peace (धैर्य) in anything."
50. "Being filled with shame (त्रपया), he has abandoned her from afar."
51. "He calls out the name 'Sita' (सीताशब्दं), repeatedly gazing at that maiden, and behaves (करोति) in various ways, as if controlled (वशीकृतः) by the wind."
52. "He has become disconnected (विमुख) from all activities such as eating and so on (भोजनादि), and thus, until his life (प्राणैः) leaves him, he cannot turn away from this."
This translation retains the original spirit and structure while making it understandable in English.