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## The Fifty-Sixth Chapter
Raising his arm, he played the divine and auspicious story of the Jina on the beautiful string of his arm, which was like a Veena. ||44||
I was obtained by the ten-headed one from the king of the elephants, Dharanendra. He gave me to Ravana, who was filled with great joy, as his seat trembled. ||45||
Although the lord of the Rakshasas, Ravana, did not want me, he was forced to accept me by Dharanendra, who was very persuasive. ||46||
Indeed, Ravana is always hesitant to accept anything from anyone. ||43-46||
I, who am a holder of unbearable power, cannot be held by anyone in this world except for one, Vishalya, the beautiful one. ||47||
I can defeat even the most powerful gods, but this Vishalya has separated me from them, even though she is far away. ||48||
She can make the sun cold and the moon hot, because she performed such intense austerities in her previous birth. ||49||
In her previous birth, she subjected her body, which was as delicate as a Shirisha flower, to such austerities that they were difficult even for the sages. ||50||
I see the world as full of essence because of such austerities that are performed by beings. ||51||
This slender one, who is like the peak of Mount Meru, did not tremble even a little bit in the face of terrible rains, cold, and heat, and the unbearable strong winds. ||52||
Oh, how blessed is her form, how blessed is her patience, and how blessed is her mind, which is firm in Dharma. Other women cannot even contemplate the austerities she has performed. ||53||
According to the Jina-Chandras, such immense austerities are performed only by those who are destined to achieve victory in all three worlds. ||54||
Or, perhaps, this should not be considered a wonder, because what is more difficult than attaining liberation, which is achieved by her? ||55||
My actions are dependent on others, but she has conquered me with her austerities. O virtuous one, I am going to my own place. Please forgive my misconduct. ||56||
Having spoken thus, the knower of truth, Hanuman, left the power-deity, Vishalya, and stood among his army, performing wondrous deeds. ||57||
1. kumpitaasana-kam ma.
2. bibhrata ma.
3. tejasam ma.
4. saanye ma.
5. hanuman.