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Sixty-first Chapter
The son of Janaka, blinded by the son of Dasha-asya, was enveloped by serpent-arrows, which emitted clouds of poison. ||102||
His entire body was covered with these serpent-arrows, which shone with a brilliance like that of fire, and he fell to the earth, resembling a sandalwood tree. ||103||
In the same way, Indrajit, wielding the weapons of darkness and the serpent-noose, subdued Sugriva. ||104||
Then Vibhishana, the wise one, skilled in the use of weapons, folded his hands and addressed Rama and Lakshmana. ||105||
"O Padma, O Padma, O mighty warrior, O Lakshmana, O Lakshmana, behold, these directions are covered with the arrows of Indrajit. ||106||
The sky and the earth are filled with his continuous arrows, which are as terrifying as the serpents of doom. ||107||
Sugriva and Bhamandala, disarmed by the serpent-arrows, have been bound and thrown to the ground by the son of Maya. ||108||
O Lord, O Bhamandala, the most intelligent of the celestial beings, and O Sugriva, the valiant king, the lord of many celestial beings, know that our collective death is imminent. ||109-110||
For these two are the only remaining leaders of our side. ||110||
Behold, this army of celestial beings, leaderless, is fleeing in all ten directions. ||111||
See, there, Marut-nandana, having conquered Kumbhakarna in a great battle, has bound him with his own hands. ||112||
The valiant Hanuman, whose umbrella, banner, bow, and armor have been shattered by arrows, has been forcibly captured. ||113||
As long as Sugriva and Bhamandala remain fallen on the earth, it is unlikely that Ravana, the master of warfare, will be able to reach them quickly. ||114||
Therefore, I will go myself and bring back these two, who are now helpless. You, O Rama, protect this army of celestial beings, which is now leaderless. ||115||
While Vibhishana was speaking thus, the son of Sutara, unseen, went to his own side. ||116||