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## The Sixty-First Canto
Seeing his army terrified by Dasha-Asya (Ravana) and his own strength, and seeing the invincible Hanumana, who was like Yama, approaching, Ravana, who was eager to don his armor, decided to engage in battle.
As soon as Ravana contemplated war, Mahoudara, who was seated beside him, rose up in anger.
While Mahoudara and Hanumana were engaged in battle, the escaped lions were gradually captured by their wise masters.
Seeing the lions subdued, all the Rakshasas, whose anger was burning, rushed upon the son of the wind (Hanumana).
However, the extremely skilled Hanumana, with his army of arrows, repelled all the Rakshasas who were releasing showers of arrows.
Just as harsh words spoken by wicked men do not cause a tremor in a controlled man, so too, the showers of arrows released by the Rakshasas did not cause any tremor in Hanumana. In other words, the valiant Hanumana was not shaken by the Rakshasas' arrows.
Seeing Hanumana surrounded by many Rakshasas, these warriors of the Vanara army prepared for battle.
Sushena, Nala, Nila, Pritikara, Viradhit, Santrasaka, Harikathi, Surya-Jyoti, Mahabala, and the son of Jambunada, all mounted on chariots drawn by lions, elephants, and horses, were ready to stop Ravana's army with great difficulty.
Just as a vow taken by a very insignificant person is destroyed by the wise, so too, Ravana's army was destroyed by the warriors of the Vanara army who were coming from all sides.
Seeing his people distressed and Ravana eager to fight, the mighty Bhanukarna (Kambhakarn) rose to fight.
Seeing the valiant Bhanukarna, who was blazing with the fire of battle, rise up, Sushena and others rushed to support him.
Chandra-Rashmi, Jaya-Skanda, Chandra-Abha, Rati-Vardhana, Anga, Angada, Sammedha, Kumuda, Chandra-Mandala, Bali, Chanda-Taranga, Sara, Ratna-Jati, Jaya, Bela-Akshepi, Vasanta, and Kolahala, etc.
These extremely powerful warriors of Rama's army were ready to engage in a great battle, a battle that was unbearable for the enemies.