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On the following day, many warriors filled with intense anger, rose to fight, having heard of the deaths of Hast and Prahast, the valiant heroes. ||1||
Among them were: Marich, Singhaghan, Swayambhu, Shambhu, Ajit, Shuka, Saran, Chandra, Arka, Jagadvibhats, Nishswan, Jwar, Ugra, Nak, Makar, Vajrakhya, Udyam, Nishthura, Gambhir, Ninad, and others. All these warriors were armed and ready for battle, riding chariots drawn by lions and strong horses, and they rushed towards the army of the Vanaras, causing great commotion. ||2-4||
Seeing these great Rakshasa kings approaching, the chieftains of the Vanara clan prepared for battle. ||5||
Some of their names were: Madan, Ankur, Santap, Prasthit, Akrosh, Nandan, Durit, Anagh, Pushpastra, Vighna, and Protikar. ||6||
Both sides clashed in a fierce battle, their weapons of all kinds filling the sky with a tangled web of destruction. ||7||
In that battle, Santap desired to fight Marich; Prathit, Singhaghan; Vighna, Udyam; Akrosh, Saran; Pap, Shuka; and Nandan, Jwar. Thus, the battle raged on, filled with the rivalry of these warriors. ||8-9||
Then, Marich, filled with anguish, struck down Santap. Nandan, with great effort, killed Jwar with a spear to the chest. ||10||
Singhaghan killed Prathit, and Udyam killed Vighna. Then, the sun set, and the battle for that day came to an end. ||11||
Hearing of the deaths of their husbands, the women were plunged into an ocean of grief, and they considered that night to be endless. ||12||
On the following day, warriors filled with intense anger, rose to fight, including: Vajrakhya, Kshapitari, Mrigendra-daman, Vidhi, Shambhu, Swayambhu, Chandra, Arka, Vanodara, and others from the Rakshasa side, as well as other Vanara warriors. ||13-14||