Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## English Translation:
The deep-toned, valiant, resonant drum, silencing all other sounds, stood, its echoes filling the directions. ||43||
The sky-court was filled with his moving army, appearing as if covered in fragments. ||44||
The sky, adorned with the many-hued jewels of his ornaments, seemed like a cloth dyed by a skilled artisan. ||45||
The monkeys, hearing the deep sound of Hanuman's conch, were filled with joy, like peacocks at the sound of thunder. ||46||
The city of Kishkindha was adorned with great splendor, decorated with flags and garlands, and adorned with jeweled arches. ||47||
Hanuman, worshipped by many celestial beings, entered the grand palace of Sugriva. ||48||
Sugriva, with due respect, honored him and recounted the deeds of Rama and others. ||49||
United with Hanuman, Sugriva and the other kings, filled with great joy, approached Rama. ||50||
Then Hanuman saw Rama, the best of men, the elder brother of Lakshmana, with black, curly, fine, and very smooth hair. ||51||
His body was embraced by a creeper of Lakshmi, he appeared like a young sun, or like the moon adorned with the radiance of the lotus. ||52||
He was a delight to the eyes, a master of captivating the mind, a creator of unprecedented deeds, and seemed to have come from heaven. ||53||
His radiance was like the inner part of a glowing, pure, golden lotus, his nose was graceful, and his ears were well-formed and pleasing to the virtuous. ||54||
He appeared like the embodied god of love, his eyes were like lotuses, his eyebrows were arched like a drawn bow, and his face was like the full moon of the autumn season. ||55||
His lips were like a ruby, his teeth were white as jasmine, his neck was like a conch, his chest was like that of a lion, and his arms were long. ||56||