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## 280
**Padma Purana, Arya Chanda**
"Does the mind of any man delight in Ramachandra, who is like the sun, due to the connection of his previous birth? This is the state of all beings in the cycle of existence." || 148 ||
Thus ends the forty-seventh chapter of the Padma Purana, known as the "Aarya" (Aryan), narrated by the Acharya Ravishena, which tells the story of the killing of Vit Sugriva. || 47 ||
**Gautama Swami says:** "O Shrenika! The mind of some men delights in Ramachandra, who is like the sun. This is the state of all beings in the cycle of existence." || 148 ||
Thus ends the forty-seventh chapter of the Padma Purana, known as the "Aarya" (Aryan), narrated by the Acharya Ravishena, which tells the story of the killing of Vit Sugriva. || 47 ||