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Here's the translation while preserving the Sanskrit words:
ṣaṭchattvāriṃśattama parva hastaṃ hastena saṃspṛśya hanti pādena medinīm | niśvāsadahanaśyāmamākṛṣyādharamīkṣyate || 181 || dhatte kahakahasvānaṃ keśān varttayati kṣaṇam | kopena dustsahāṃ dṛṣṭiṃ kvacid eva vimuñcati || 182 || jambhottānīkṛtoraskaḥ vāṣpācchāditalochanaḥ | bāhutoraṇamudyamya minatti sphuṭadaṅguḍiḥ || 183 || aṃśukāntena hṛdaya vījayatyāhitekṣaṇam | kusumaiḥ kurute rūpaṃ punarnāśayati drutam || 184 || citrayatyādarī sītāṃ dravayatyashramiḥ punaḥ | dīnaḥ kṣipati hākārān na na mām eti jalpati || 185 || evamādyāḥ kriyāḥ kliṣṭā madanagrahapīḍitaḥ | karoti karuṇālapaṃ citraṃ hi smaraceṣṭitam || 186 || tasya smarāgninā dīptaṃ hṛdayena samaṃ vapuḥ | anubandhamahādūpaṃ jvalatyāśākṛteṃdhanam || 187 || achintayacchā ha kaṣṭaṃ kāmavastām ahaṃ gataḥ | yenedam api śaknomi na voḍhuṃ svaśarīrakam || 188 || durgasāgaramadhyāstha bṛhadvidyādhara mayā | jitāḥ sahasraśo yuddhe kim idaṃ vartate' dhunā || 189 || sarvatra jagati khyātalokapālaparicchadaḥ | vandīghṛhamupānīto mahemdro' pi purā mayā || 190 || anekayuddhanirbhagnanarādhipakadambakaḥ | so' ahaṃ saṃprati mohen bhasmīkatu pravartitaḥ || 191 || cintayannidam anyacca kāmācāryavaśaṅgataḥ | āstāṃ tāvadasau rājān idam anyadvibudhyatām || 192 || ākulo mantribhiḥ sākaṃ mahāmantravishāradaḥ | vibhīṣaṇaḥ samārebhe nirūpayitumīdaśam || 193 || sa hi rāvaṇarāṣṭrasya dhuraṃ dhatte gataśramaḥ | samastaśāstrabodhāmbudhaunirmalamānasaḥ || 194 ||
Ravana sometimes held it close, sometimes cast it away from him, sometimes repeatedly reciting the verses of love filled with amorous words, and sometimes gazing toward the sky || 180 || At times, he would touch with hand and slap the earth with his feet, at times, pulling the darkened lower lip with the fire of his breath, he would regard it || 181 || Sometimes he would utter "kaha-kaha," sometimes he would let his hair loose, and sometimes he would cast a fierce, unbearable look at something || 182 || Occasionally, while yawning, he would puff up his chest, and sometimes he would cover his eyes with tears || 183 || He would raise the garland of arms high, while clicking his fingers to break it || 183 || At times, he would gaze at his heart, waving the hem of his garment, sometimes decorating himself with flowers to quickly destroy it again || 184 || Occasionally, he would draw a picture of Sita with reverence, and then wet it with tears, sometimes he would lament in a wretched state and sometimes utter "na, na" or "mā, mā" || 185 || In this way, afflicted by the planet love, Ravana performed various activities and engaged in compassion-filled dialogues, which is quite right, because the actions of love are indeed strange || 186 || The body, wherein the great smoke of desire was rising, with hopes serving as the fuel, was blazing with the fire of passion, burning along with the heart || 187 || He sometimes reflected, "Oh, how difficult is this state I have reached, that I am unable to even bear this body!" || 188 || I, who have defeated thousands of mighty celestial beings residing in the treacherous ocean, what is happening now? || 189 || A king whose guardian-like entourage is renowned throughout the universe, I, who previously confined Indra in a prison, defeated many kings in various battles, am now being turned to ashes because of this delusion || 190-191 || Gautama says: "O King! This Ravana, engrossed in thoughts of this and other matters, was being controlled by the teacher of desire, so let this be, now listen to another tale." || 192 ||
Then, filled with restlessness, Vibhishana, skilled in offering great counsel, sat with ministers and became eager to evaluate the matter || 193 || In fact, with knowledge of all scriptures... 1. mākṛṣṇādhar - m. 2. keśādvartayati - m. 3. kadambakam - m. 4. mahāmantriviśāradaḥ - kh.