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Sure! Here's the translation of the provided text into English while retaining the Sanskrit words:
In the Padmapurana, if a person has a form like Sanatkumar, even then, like the cracked glass, I do not desire any other man but my husband in any way. ||85|| I speak to you in brief about all those present here. I will not do what you wish; do as you will. ||86|| In this interval, the ten-headed one (Dashanana) himself arrived, like an elephant reaching the Ganges. ||87|| He then, having come closer, spoke with great compassion and a somewhat smiling demeanor, addressing the lovely lady: "Do not be afraid, I am your devotee. Listen, I have one request: please be gracious and consider me!" ||88|| I wish to know what I, being devoid of anything in the three worlds, am unworthy of being accepted by you as your supreme husband. ||90|| Saying this, Ravana attempted to touch (her), but Sita, in urgency, said: "O sinful-hearted one! Get away, do not touch my body!" ||9|| In response, Ravana said: "O goddess! Set aside your anger and pride, be pleased, and become the mistress of divine pleasures like the queen of the Indras!" ||92|| Sita replied: "The riches of a base man are nothing but filth, and the poverty of a virtuous man is indeed an ornament." ||93|| For those born in a noble family, it is better to seek refuge in death by losing virtue than to act against both worlds. ||94|| You wish for another woman, therefore your life is in vain. Truly, one who lives while guarding the fire survives. ||95|| Thus insulted, Ravana soon became eager to use magic. All the goddesses, frightened, fled, and everything there became filled with turmoil. ||26|| In the meanwhile, the sun entered the cave of the western horizon along with its rays as if it was also entering due to the fear of Ravana's illusion. ||17|| Terrified by those elephants, who were filled with great anger, their tusks dripping, and who were trumpeting greatly, Sita was still drawn to Ravana's shelter.
1. Ganga flow.
2. Goddess of illusion.
3. Something desired.
4. Disperse.
5. Losing virtue.
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