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## Thirty-fourth Chapter
Then, at the end, a sword, with a radiant circle of light, was seen, illuminating the bamboo forest. 6
Taking the sword, Lakshmana was filled with wonder. He tested its sharpness by cutting the bamboo stalk. 61
Seeing Lakshmana holding the sword, all the deities there said, "You are our master," and worshipped him with reverence. 62
Then, with tearful eyes, Rama asked, "Sumitra's son, Lakshmana, has been gone for a long time. Where could he have gone?" 63
"O noble Jatayu, rise and fly far into the sky, and search diligently for Lakshmana, the son of Lakshmana." 64
As Jatayu prepared to fly, Sita, with a gesture of her finger, said, "Lakshmana, whose body is smeared with saffron dust, who wears various garlands and robes, and who is adorned with ornaments, is coming." 66
"He is holding this great, radiant sword, and he shines brightly, like a lion on a mountain." 67
Seeing Lakshmana, Rama was filled with wonder and joy. Unable to contain his happiness, he rose and embraced him. 68
When asked, Lakshmana recounted his entire story. Thus, Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita, all three, stayed there happily, sharing various stories. 69
Then, Chandanakha, who used to see the sword and her son, who was always disciplined, every day, came there alone. 70
Upon arrival, she saw that the entire bamboo forest had been cut down. She wondered, "Where could my son have gone, living in this forest?" 71
"It was not right for my son to cut down this forest, where he lived and where this sword, a gem, was perfected, for the sake of testing it." 72
At that moment, she saw her son's headless body, lying between a stump, with a radiant head, like the sun setting on the horizon, and adorned with earrings. 73
1. Karanam M. 2. Tavat anguli aayasy utthanakhede yuqtam krutva. 3. Vanshaanam. 4. Chhinam.