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## English Translation:
**Padma Purana**
**Vasantatilaka Vritta**
Whose face is red from drinking the blood of various animals, who is proud and arrogant, whose eyes are like the yellow rays of the sun, and whose tail, adorned with shining hair, curls up towards his head - this tiger is digging at the roots of a tree with his claws. ||41||
**Mandakranta Vritta**
These deer, who have their young ones and their mates in the middle of their group, whose eyes are looking far away, who are very cautious, who are clever at grabbing blades of grass, and whose eyes are wide with curiosity - they are coming close to you and looking at you. ||42||
**Arya Vritta**
Oh beautiful one, look at that boar, whose tusks are adorned with mud, whose strength is very high, who has just taken fresh mud on his body, and whose snout is very long. ||43||
**Vamsasthava Vritta**
Oh beautiful one, this cheetah, whose body is painted with various patterns without any effort, is playing very happily with his young ones in a part of this grassy forest. ||44||
**Dodhaka Vritta**
This young falcon, whose wings are moving quickly, is looking around from a distance and quickly stealing meat from the mouth of a sleeping Sharabha. ||45||
**Drutvilambita Vritta**
This bull, whose head is adorned with a lotus-like swirl, who is carrying a slightly moving, high hump, who is making a loud sound, and who is full of beautiful grace - he is shining here. ||46||
He is sitting fearlessly in the same way. ||40||