Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Here is the English translation, keeping the Sanskrit words as per your request:
In the Papapurāṇa, O sinner! Why have you allowed them to enter here? O wicked one! Today I will bind you with a bondage more unbearable than that of even an animal. (14) Look! These shameless, sinful, and obstinate beings, whose bodies are becoming dusty, are polluting my yajña-shālā. (15)
Then Sītā said to Rāma, "O Aryaputra! Leave this lowly place of this wicked man, who speaks utterly harsh words." (16) It is better to dwell in a forest adorned with trees covered by flowers and fruits, and pure ponds, where deer play freely and such harsh words are not heard. (17-18) O Rāghava! In this land, which is as beautiful as heaven but devoid of abundance, everyone is ruthless; especially the villagers are indeed very cruel. (19)
All the villagers, having been disturbed by the Brahmin's harsh words, came there upon seeing his god-like form. (20) The villagers said, "O Brahmin! If these travelers stay in your house for just a moment, what fault will arise? They all seem very humble." (21) Enraged, he scolded everyone and said to Rāma and Lakshmana, "You are impure; therefore, get out of my house." The Brahmin's anger against Rāma and Lakshmana was like a dog barking at two elephants upon seeing them. Following this verbal assault, Lakshmana became furious. (22-24)
With bloodshot eyes and uttering inauspicious words, he was ready to flip that lowly Brahmin over with his feet raised and neck lowered in order to throw him down onto the earth. At that moment, the compassionate Rāma stopped him, saying, (25) "O Lakshmana! What are you going to do to this miserable creature? Even while alive, he is like a dead person; what benefit will there be in killing him?" (26) "As long as this insignificant being is not lifeless, quickly let him go. Upon his death, only disgrace will be achieved." (27) The monk, Brahmin, cow, animal, woman, child, and elder—though they may be faulty, they should not be killed by brave individuals.
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