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## The Padmacharita, Chapter 34: The Tale of Valikhilya
Having made his servant, the son of Vishvanala, very happy, he (Valikhilya) set out with Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita, who were accompanied by cold (i.e., in the winter). ||18||
Valikhilya, accompanied by the mighty Raudrabhuti, reached the land near his own city, remembering the deeds of his relatives. ||99||
Then, having made his father very happy with his great power, Kalyanamalini, his daughter, came out of the city to welcome him. ||100||
Having recognized his daughter, who had come to greet him, the king Valikhilya smelled her head and then, having mounted his chariot, entered the city of Kubera. ||101||
The queen of the earth, Prithvi, was filled with joy and her body trembled with excitement. In an instant, she regained her old form, which was like a sea of light. ||102||
Singhodara and all the other kings were filled with wonder at the virtues of Kalyanamalini. ||103||
The wealth that Raudrabhuti had accumulated over a long time, having been devoted to theft and plundering various countries, entered the house of Valikhilya. ||104||
When Raudrabhuti, who had subdued the impregnable land of the Mlechchas, became obedient to Valikhilya, Singhodara, who had been filled with fear, also became very affectionate towards him, showing him respect and honor. ||105||
Thus, the great warrior Valikhilya, by the grace of Rama and Lakshmana, attained supreme power and was adorned by his beloved, just as the sun is adorned by the autumn season. ||106||
Thus ends the thirty-fourth chapter of the Padmacharita, composed by the sage Ravishena, which narrates the tale of Valikhilya. ||34||
1. Madhaya Ma. | 2. Dhanam, | 3. Vashikrite Mlechcha Ma. |