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## English Translation:
It is said in the Padma Purana by the lord of the earth, the lion-bellied one, that if a son is born to the queen, he will rule the kingdom. ||41||
Then, unfortunately, I was born, a daughter, but the wise minister Vasubuddhi, with the desire for the kingdom, informed Singhodara that a son had been born. ||42||
My mother, devoid of any meaning, named me Kalyanamala. It is common for people to engage in auspicious practices. ||43||
Only the minister and my mother know that I am a daughter, no one else. Today, by the grace of fortune, I have seen you all. ||44||
My father is in great distress, imprisoned and suffering. Even Singhodara is unable to free him. ||45||
Whatever wealth is produced in this land is sent to the Mlechchha king, who protects the fortresses. ||46||
My mother, consumed by the fire of separation, has become like the moon, devoid of radiance, reduced to a mere form. ||47||
Saying this, Kalyanamala, her entire body burdened with sorrow, lost her radiance and cried out with a choked voice. ||48||
Then, Rama comforted her with sweet words. Sita took her in her lap and wiped her tears. Lakshmana said, "Oh beautiful one, abandon your sorrow. Rule the kingdom in this very form, you are doing the right thing." ||49-50||
Oh auspicious one, oh Kalyanamala, wait patiently for a few days. What is it for me to capture the Mlechchha king? You will soon see your father freed. ||51||
Hearing this, she was filled with joy, as if her father had already been freed. Her entire body was filled with happiness and radiance. ||52||
Then, in that beautiful forest, they all spent three days, enjoying themselves like gods, engaging in various conversations. ||53||
Then, at night, when everyone was asleep, Rama and Lakshmana, along with Sita, left the forest, seeking shelter in a cave. ||54||