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## Chapter Thirty-Three
Then, the virtuous one, approaching, praised the two brothers in turn. He inquired about Sita's health, being a knower of the Dharma. **286**
"May you be well, and we are well in all respects," said Rama, with a very sweet voice. **287**
While this conversation continued between them, the charmingly dressed Vidyunanga, with his army, arrived like lightning. **288**
He bowed to them, praised them, being a wise man in the order. He sat near the valiant Vajrakarn. **289**
"This wise Vidyunanga is a close friend of Vajrakarn," a loud voice arose in the assembly. **290**
Then Rama, with a smile on his face, said, "O Vajrakarn! Your vision is truly excellent. **291**
Your intellect is not shaken even by false doctrines, like the peak of Mount Meru by the winds of destruction. **292**
Even seeing me, your head did not bow. Oh, how beautiful and peaceful is your conduct! **293**
Or, what is difficult for a man who knows the pure truth? Especially for a man of righteous vision, devoted to Dharma. **294**
With what head can one bow to others, having bowed to the Jina, the supreme Lord, the binder of the three worlds, with a raised head? **295**
A bee, intoxicated by the taste of nectar, even in its madness, does not place itself on the tail of a donkey. **296**
You are wise, blessed, and close to attaining liberation. Your fame, whiter than the moon, wanders throughout the world. **297**
I know that this Vidyunanga is also your close friend. This one too is worthy, who is eager to serve you. **298**
Then, ashamed by the praise of his good qualities, and with his head slightly bowed, Vajrakarn said, "O Lord! Though you have suffered greatly while staying here..." **299**
"You are born a great soul, my dearest friend." **300**