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There lived an Acharya named Dyuti, who was proficient in his own and other scriptures, and was constantly served by a large assembly of saints. || 135 || The wise Bharata made a vow in front of him, saying, "I will take the vows of a monk just by seeing Rama." || 140 || Hearing this vow, the Lord Dyuti, with a voice like the sound of a peacock's cry, said to Bharata: || 141 || "O noble one, until Rama, the one with eyes like lotus petals, arrives, you should practice the householder's dharma." || 142 || "The efforts of the great, liberated monks are extremely difficult, but for those who are mature through practice, it becomes easy to achieve." || 143 || "Many people with dull minds, who say, 'I will do penance later,' meet death before they can." || 144 || "It is impossible to describe the penance of the liberated monks, which is like a priceless jewel. How can there be any other comparison?" || 145 || "The Jinas have said that the householder's dharma is like the younger brother of the monk's dharma. One should be devoted to this dharma, which bestows enlightenment, without any negligence." || 146 || "Just as a man who goes to a jewel island finds every jewel he picks up to be priceless, so too, in the rule-based island of the Jinas, who turn the wheel of dharma, whoever takes up any rule becomes priceless." || 147-148 || "He who, with great devotion, worships the Jina Lord, holding the priceless jewel of non-violence, attains supreme growth in heaven." || 149 || "He who, adorned with the vow of truth, worships the Jinas with garlands, becomes a speaker whose words are accepted by all, and whose fame spreads throughout the world." || 150 || "He who, free from the sin of stealing, worships the Jina Lords, becomes the master of treasures filled with jewels." || 151 || "He who, serving the Jina Lords, does not desire other women, attains supreme good fortune, captivating the eyes of all." || 152 || He who, having taken the vow of...
1. Proficient in his own and other scriptures.
2. Vow.
3. Achieved practice.
4. In heaven.
6. Pleasing to all.
5. Of the rivers, m. (?)