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The Thirty-Second Chapter
Having paid homage to the Jinas, with pure thoughts, they went to the Muni Raja, who was as deep as the ocean of jewels. || 69 || Bowing their heads to him, who was filled with dispassion, they said, "O Lord, deliver us from this ocean of existence." || 70 || The leader of the Muni's, Satyaketa, replied, "So be it," and as soon as he spoke these words, they all attained supreme joy, saying, "Now we are liberated from the world." || 71 || Vidagdha, Vijay, Meru, Kror, Sangramalolupa, Srinagadaman, Dhir, Shatha, Shatrudama, Dhar, Vinod, Kantak, Satya, Kathora, and Priyavardhana, and many other kings, took the Digambara initiation. || 72-73 || Their servants, taking their elephants, horses, and armies, went quickly to the city to deliver their sons. At that time, the servants were very humble and filled with shame. || 74 || Many people, adorned with the jewels of right faith and right knowledge, took the Anuvrata and were eager to serve the holders of the Nirgrantha seal. || 75 || Others, having heard the very pure Dharma of the Jinas, who had conquered birth, were satisfied with right faith alone. || 76 || Many vassals went and informed Bharata of this news. Bharata was sitting happily, meditating on something, but he was saddened when he heard this news. || 77 ||
Then, King Dasharatha, who had attained right awakening, performed the coronation of Bharata, who was of a pure mind. He was somewhat distressed by the separation from Rama, and even though he was comforted, he was still very sorrowful. He left the palace and went out of the city, while his family, who were drowned in the ocean of sorrow, looked on. || 78-80 || Leaving the city, he went to the Guru, whose name was Sarvabhutahita, and performed a very great Guru puja. He was initiated along with seventy-two kings. || 81 || Although Muni Raja Dasharatha desired to meditate in solitude, his mind was polluted by the sorrow of his son. || 82 || One day, he reflected thus, "Alas, this affection is the root of all my suffering, this bondage of mine." || 83 ||