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The birth of Ravana and his pursuit of knowledge, the disturbance of the deity Anavrita, and the arrival of Sumali. ||62|| Ravana's union with Mandodari, the observation of other maidens, and the anger of Vaishravana due to the actions of Bhanukarna. ||63|| The battle between the Yakshas and Rakshasas, the penance of Dhanada, Ravana's arrival in Lanka, and his observation of the great Chaityas. ||64|| The greatness of the virtuous Harishena, a destroyer of sins, and the sight of the Triloka-mandana elephant. ||65|| The expulsion of Yama from his abode, the meeting of Suryaraja, the king of the Vanaras, with Kishkindha, the abduction of Surpanakha by Khara and Dushana, and their marriage. ||66|| The death of Chandrodara in battle, the great sorrow of his queen Anuradha, the downfall of Viradhit's city, and the attainment of the kingdom by Sugriva. ||67|| The initiation of the young girl, Ravana's lifting of Mount Kailasa, Sugriva's acquisition of Sutara, the distress of the Sahasagati Vidyadhara due to the non-acquisition of Sutara, and Ravana's journey to Mount Vijaya. ||68-69|| The renunciation of King Anaranya and Sahasrarashmi, the account of Ravana's destruction of the Yajna, the explanation of Madhu's previous births, and the conversation between Ravana's daughter Uparambha and Madhu. ||70|| Ravana's acquisition of knowledge, the decline of Indra's kingdom, Ravana's journey to Mount Sumeru, and his return. ||71|| The attainment of Kevalgyan by the Muni Anantavirya, Ravana's acceptance of the rule before him, "I will not desire a woman who does not desire me," and the account of the birth of the great Vanara, Hanuman. ||72|| On Mount Kailasa, the conversation between King Mahendra, the father of Anjana, and King Prahlada, the father of Pavananjay, regarding the union of their children, the marriage of Anjana with Pavananjay, the anger of Pavananjay, his happiness upon seeing the separation of Chakwachakvi, Anjana's pregnancy, and her expulsion from her home by her mother-in-law. ||73|| The Muni's account of Hanuman's previous birth, Hanuman's birth in a cave, 1. Prajanam M. 2. Bhikhyam M. 3. Charanam M. 4. Kaikeyaasch M. 5. Chandrodya M. 6. Jannaashanam K. 7. Niyamgraham M. 8. Sajjaya Kh. 9. 'Sutistanurahapraapti pratisuryena karitam' M.