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The twenty-third chapter
The minister, having examined the king well, had a dummy made of Dasaratha. The dummy was so similar to the original that only by its lack of consciousness could it be distinguished. [41]
The dummy was filled with a mixture of lac and other substances to simulate blood, and it was made as soft as the body of a real being. [42]
The dummy was seated on a fine throne in the seventh storey of the palace, surrounded by all the usual paraphernalia. [43]
The minister and the artist who made the dummy both thought it was a real king, and everyone else thought so too. Sometimes, even they were deceived. [44]
The same thing was done to Janaka. The minds of the wise are often superficial, one surpassing the other. [45]
Just as the moon and the sun hide themselves during the rainy season, so too did these two kings, who knew the state of the world, hide themselves during times of trouble. [46]
Gautama Swami said to King Shrenika, "O king of Magadha! Those kings who once lived in great palaces, who were rich in material possessions, and who were served by the most beautiful women, are now, like ordinary men, helpless and wandering the earth on foot. Alas, the state of this world!" [47-48]
Having decided this, what did that man, who gave protection to all beings, not give to those who stood at the head of the virtuous? [49]
Vibhishana, having learned of their whereabouts from his spies, sent many assassins to kill them. [50]
These assassins, armed with weapons, were cruel by nature, their bodies were invisible to the eye, and their eyes were very restless. They roamed the city day and night. [51]
These assassins, being weak, were unable to enter the palace. When they were delayed in their task, Vibhishana came himself. [52]
He followed the sound of music and, having entered the palace, found Dasaratha in the inner apartments. [53]
This is correct because the minister had thoroughly examined the king. [40]
When the king left, the minister had a dummy made of King Dasaratha's body. The dummy was so similar to the original body that only by its lack of consciousness could it be distinguished. [41]
A mixture of lac and other substances was used to create blood inside the dummy, and it was made as soft as the body of a real being. [42]
The dummy of the king was seated on a fine throne in the seventh storey of the palace, surrounded by all the usual paraphernalia, just as before. [43]
The minister and the artist who made the dummy both thought it was a real king, and everyone else thought so too. Sometimes, even they were deceived. [44]
The same thing was done to King Janaka. The minds of the wise are often superficial, one surpassing the other. [45]
Just as the moon and the sun hide themselves during the rainy season, so too did these two kings, who knew the state of the world, hide themselves during times of trouble. [46]
Gautama Swami said to King Shrenika, "O king of Magadha! Those kings who once lived in great palaces, who were rich in material possessions, and who were served by the most beautiful women, are now, like ordinary men, helpless and wandering the earth on foot. Alas, the state of this world!" [47-48]
Having decided this, what did that man, who gave protection to all beings, not give to those who stood at the head of the virtuous? [49]
Vibhishana, having learned of their whereabouts from his spies, sent many assassins to kill them. [50]
These assassins, armed with weapons, were cruel by nature, their bodies were invisible to the eye, and their eyes were very restless. They roamed the city day and night. [51]
These assassins, being weak, were unable to enter the palace. When they were delayed in their task, Vibhishana came himself. [52]
He followed the sound of music and, having entered the palace, found Dasaratha in the inner apartments. [53]