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## Twenty-Second Chapter
**471** Since she was born from a mother named Mitra, who was of excellent conduct and beautiful, she became known in the world as Sumitra. **175** The great king also married another princess named Suprabha, who was radiant with beauty and brought prosperity. **176** King Dasharatha obtained both Right-Faith and a kingdom full of glory. He considered Right-Faith as a jewel and the kingdom as mere grass. **177** The reason for this is that if one does not renounce the kingdom, it leads to downfall, while Right-Faith leads to an unquestionable ascent. **178** King Dasharatha repaired the beautiful temples of the Jinas, which had fallen into disrepair, that were built by the kings Bharata and others. **179** He also built new temples of the Jinas, which were praised by Indra himself, and were adorned with a multitude of jewels, radiating brilliance. **180** Gautama Swami tells King Shrenik, "O King! Those who accumulate virtue in other births, attain the most beautiful prosperity of the gods, and are reborn in this world as fortunate beings like King Dasharatha, radiating brilliance like the sun, and attaining prosperity." **181** Thus ends the twenty-second chapter of the Padmacharita, narrated by the Acharya, known as Ravisha, and containing the story of the birth of King Dasharatha, along with the greatness of Sukoshala Swami.