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In the Padma Purana, it is said that due to the arousal of some inauspicious karma, the king Saudas developed a desire to eat meat on those very days. ||133|| Then, calling the cook aside, he said, "O Bhadra! I have a desire to eat meat today." ||134|| The cook replied, "O King! You know that on these days, throughout the entire earth, there is a grand celebration of the Jina's worship and the killing of living beings is prohibited." ||135|| Hearing this, the king said to the cook, "If I don't eat meat today, I will die. Having decided this, do whatever is right. What is the use of talking?" ||136|| Knowing the king's condition, the cook went outside the city. There, he saw a dead child abandoned in the ditch on that very day. ||137|| Wrapping it in cloth, he brought it, cooked it with delicious things, and gave it to the king to eat, thinking, "This is suitable for him." ||138|| The king, whose mind was extremely delighted by the taste of human flesh, ate it and, getting up, said to the cook in astonishment, "O Bhadra! Where did you get this meat, whose taste is so extremely sweet, which I have never tasted before?" ||139-140|| In response, the cook, seeking his protection, told him everything as it was. Then the king said, "Let this be done always." ||141||
Thereafter, the cook started giving laddoos to the small children. Enticed by them, the children started coming to him every day. ||142|| When the children went to take the laddoos, the one who lagged behind was killed, cooked, and given to the king continuously. ||143|| When the children of the city started decreasing every day, the people realized this and expelled the king and the cook from the city. ||144|| Saudas had a son named Simharatha born to his wife Kanakamba. The city dwellers installed him on the throne, and all the kings bowed to him. ||145|| King Saudas became so attached to human flesh that he even ate his cook. ||146||
When the month was over and the eight days of the Ashtahnika came, no one in his lineage ate meat, even if their body was nourished by it. ||132||