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## The Twentieth Chapter
**431** By the roars of those who have released the weapon of the scriptures, the Karma-Mlechchas, who are intoxicated with pride, whose enthusiasm is born of evil, who are covered in the darkness of delusion,
**10** the rulers of the non-noble, who are constantly engaged in violence, will be cut down by the axe of the weapon of violence, due to the influence of the slow time.
**101** In the beginning of the fifth time, the height of humans is said to be seven cubits, and then there will be a gradual decrease.
**102** Then, in the sixth time, they will be twenty cubits tall, with a lifespan of twenty years. After that, they will be one cubit tall, with a lifespan of sixteen years.
**103** They will live like reptiles, earning their livelihood with great difficulty.
**104** They will have deformed bodies, constantly engaged in sinful activities, tormented by delusion and disease, like animals.
**105** There will be no order, no connection, no rulers, no servants. There will be no wealth, no homes, and no happiness, only misery.
**106** Driven by the pursuit of pleasure, wealth, and dharma, the people will be empty, like piles of sin.
**107** Just as the moon wanes in the dark fortnight and waxes in the bright fortnight, so too, in the Avasarpini time, there is a decrease in the lifespan and other qualities of people, and in the Utsarpini time, there is an increase.
**108** Or, just as the activities of festivals and other good deeds decrease at night and increase during the day, so too, one should understand the state of the Avasarpini and Utsarpini times.
**109** The decrease that has been described in the Avasarpini time should be understood as an increase in the Utsarpini time.
**110** Gautama Swami said to King Shrenik, "O King! I have spoken of the difference between the twenty-four Tirthankaras. Now, I will speak of their heights in order. Listen carefully."
**111** The height of the first Tirthankara, Rishabhadeva, is said to be five hundred bows.