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## The Twentieth Chapter
Susima, Simasampam, Kshema, and Kshemakari, Vyatitishonama, and Champa, are known in the world. ||15|| Kaushambi, Maha-bhoga, Nagapur, Saketa, Kantabhavana, and Chatrakarapur. ||16|| These are the capitals of the Jinas in their previous births, known as heavenly cities. ||17||
Vajranami, Vimala-vahana, Vipula-khyati, Vipula-vahana, Mahabala, Atibala-kirtan, Aparajita, Nandishena, Padma, Maha-padma, Padmottara, Pankaja-gulma, Nalin-gulma, Padmasana, Padmaratha, Dridharatha, Maha-megha-ratha, Simha-ratha, Vaishravana, Shridharma, A-pratistha, Siddhartha, Anand, and Sunanda. ||18-23||
These are the names of the Jinas in their previous births, as told by me, the king of Magadha. ||24||
Vajrasena, Maha-teja, Ripudama, Swayamprabha, Vimala-vahana, Simandhara, Pihita-srava, Arindama, Yugandhara, Sarva-jana-ananda, Abhaya-ananda, Vajradanta, Vajranabhi, Sarvagupta, Guptiman, Chinta-raksha, Vipula-vahana, Ghana-rava, Sanvara, Sadhu-sanvara, Varadharma, Sunanda, Vyatitishonka, Domara, and Prosthila. ||25-30||
Sarvartha-siddhi, Vaijayanta, Urdhva-graiveyaka, Vaijayanta, Vaijayanta, Urdhva-graiveyaka, Madhyama, Vaijayanta, Aparajita, Aran, Pushpottara, Kapishta, Purushukra, Sahasrar, Tripushpottara, Muktisthanadhara, Vijaya, Aparajita. ||31-34||
Nagapur, Saketa, and Chatrakarapur. All these capitals were beautiful, vast, and adorned with excellent buildings, like heavenly cities. ||14-17||
Now I will tell you their names in their previous births. 1. Vajranabhi, 2. Vimala-vahana, 3. Vipula-khyati, 4. Vipula-vahana, 5. Mahabala, 6. Atibala, 7. Aparajita, 8. Nandishena, 9. Padma, 10. Maha-padma, 11. Padmottara, 12. Pankaja-gulma (with a face like a lotus), 13. Nalin-gulma, 14. Padmasana, 15. Padmaratha, 16. Dridharatha, 17. Maha-megha-ratha, 18. Simha-ratha, 19. Vaishravana, 20. Shridharma, 21. A-pratistha (without equal, the best of the gods), 22. Siddhartha, 23. Anand, and 24. Sunanda. O King of Magadha! These are the names of the previous births of the twenty-four wise Tirthankaras, told to you. All these names were very famous in the world. ||18-24||
Now listen to the names of their fathers in their previous births. 1. Vajrasena, 2. Maha-teja, 3. Ripudama, 4. Swayamprabha, 5. Vimala-vahana, 6. Simandhara, 7. Pihita-srava, 8. Arindama, 9. Yugandhara, 10. Sarva-jana-ananda (possessing the name "benefactor of all"), 11. Abhaya-ananda, 12. Vajradanta, 13. Vajranabhi, 14. Sarvagupta, 15. Guptiman, 16. Chinta-raksha, 17. Vipula-vahana, 18. Ghana-rava, 19. Dhira, 20. Sanvara (possessing the name "good Sanvara"), 21. Trilokiya (possessing the name "best Dharma"), 22. Sunanda, 23. Vyatitishonka, 24. Domara, and 25. Prosthila. Thus, you should know the names of the twenty-four fathers of the twenty-four Tirthankaras in their previous births. ||25-30||
Now listen to the names of the twenty-four heavens from which the twenty-four Tirthankaras came. 1. Sarvartha-siddhi, 2. Vaijayanta, 3. Graiveyaka, 4. Vaijayanta, 5. Vaijayanta, 6. Urdhva-graiveyaka, 7. Madhyama-graiveyaka, 8. Vaijayanta, 9. Aparajita, 10. Aran, 11. Pushpottara, 12. Kapishta, 13. Purushukra, 14. Sahasrar, 15. Pushpottara, 16. Pushpottara, 17. Pushpottara, 18. Sarvartha-siddhi, 19. Vijaya, 20. Aparajita. ||31-34||