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Padma Purana
While the two friends were thus conversing, a magnificent chariot, bright as the sun, suddenly appeared in the sky. || 320 || Seeing it, Vasantmala informed Anjana, who, filled with apprehension, began to speak again, saying, || 321 || "Is this some enemy of mine, who will take away my son? Or has some relative of mine arrived?" || 322 || Hearing her words, the chariot remained stationary for a while, and then a compassionate Vidyaadhara descended from the sky. || 323 || After parking the chariot at the entrance of the cave, he entered, accompanied by his wives, his mind filled with anxiety. || 324 || Vasantmala welcomed him, and he sat down on a seat provided by his servant. || 325 || After a moment's pause, he addressed Vasantmala, who was welcoming him with great humility, in a deep voice, his words stirring the curiosity of the thirsty chatakas, like the sound of thunder. His speech was adorned with the brilliance of his teeth, which mingled with the radiance of the child. || 326-327 || He said, "O Sumaryade! Tell me, whose daughter is this? Whose auspicious wife is she? And why has she come to this great forest?" || 328 || "Her form does not match the character of a woman who has been condemned. How then has she come to be separated from all her relatives?" || 329 || "Or perhaps, in this world, there are often enemies without cause, who are driven by their past deeds, even when they are in a position of neutrality." || 330 || Then Vasantmala, her throat choked with tears of sorrow, her eyes fixed on the earth, spoke slowly, || 331 || "O Great One! Your words reveal your noble and auspicious heart, for the shade of a tree that is the cause of disease is not pleasant or joyful." || 332 || "Since you are a virtuous man, worthy of receiving information, I will tell you what you wish to know. Listen." || 333 || "It is a principle that sorrow, when revealed to a virtuous man, is destroyed, for it is the nature of the great to be the saviors of those who are in distress." || 334 ||