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Chapter Seventeen
Having said this, the cruel one called his servant, Kar. Kar bowed and stood before her, his eyes red with anger. “Take this Mahendra-puri-bound woman, along with her friend, and leave her there. Return immediately.” [12-13]
Following his master’s command, Kar, ever-ready to serve, placed Anjana and her friend, Vasantimala, in the chariot and set off towards Mahendra-puri. Anjana’s body trembled with fear, she seemed like a vine uprooted and tossed about by a fierce wind, she was consumed with worry about the great sorrow that awaited her, her heart was melting like wax in the fire of grief. She was speechless with fear, her eyes fixed on her friend, Vasantimala. She silently condemned the evil karma that had brought her to this state, and tears flowed from her eyes like a stream of crystal, their source hidden in her bosom. [14-18]
As the day drew to a close, Kar reached the outskirts of Mahendra-puri. He bowed to Anjana and spoke to her in a sweet voice, “My lady, I have done this for you, as per my mistress’s command. Do not blame me for your sorrow, for it is your karma that has brought it upon you.” [19-20]
Having said this, he helped Anjana and her friend out of the chariot and returned to his mistress, reporting that he had carried out her orders. [21]
Seeing Anjana, whose radiance was dimmed by the weight of her sorrow, the sun seemed to set, its light fading. [22]
The western sky turned red, as if Anjana, with her eyes red from constant weeping, was looking towards the sun for protection, and her redness had stained the sky. [23]
The directions, as if grieving for Anjana’s sorrow, released a torrent of vapor, turning the sky a somber grey. [24]