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### Chapter Seventeen
After some time had passed, special signs indicating the presence of a fetus appeared in the body of Anjana, the daughter of King Mahendra. 1. Her complexion turned white as if it had been obtained through the fame of Hanuman residing in her womb. Her gait, filled with the intoxication of a mighty elephant, became even more sluggish. 2. The breasts, which had turned dark, became exceedingly elevated, and due to laziness, she only raised an eyebrow to signal where speech was necessary. 3. Thereafter, noticing these signs, her envious mother-in-law questioned her, "Who has done this act to you?" 4. In response, Anjana folded her hands in greeting and recounted the entire previous story. Although the son of the Wind had discouraged her from revealing this account, when she found no other course, she was compelled to set aside her shyness and disclose all the news. 5.
Thereupon, Ketumati, angered and with great cruelty, spoke to her in a tone as hard as stone. When Ketumati was uttering harsh words to Anjana, it seemed as if she was beating her with sticks. 6. She proclaimed, "O sinner! He who, being filled with extreme hatred, does not wish to even see your form or allow your words to reach his ears, that courageous son of the Wind has gone out from the house after asking his own people. O without shame! How can he engage with you?" 7-8. "Cursed are you, O sinner, who taints a bright offspring like the rays of the moon and engages in this despised deed in both worlds!" 9. "It seems that your friend Vasantamala has given you this wise thought, which is just right, for what do the servants of courtesans and loose women do aside from this?" 10. At that time, although Anjana showed the hard evidence given by the son of the Wind, that wicked-hearted woman did not believe her. Far from believing, she spoke sharply in a very harsh manner. 11.