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Here is the English translation, preserving the Jain terms:
In the Padma Purana, [the devotee says]: "O Lord, how are your limbs so enchanting to me? The places in my heart where your limbs reside cause me the utmost anguish." (12) "Surely, no offense has been committed by me, O Lord. Without any reason, why have you become so angry with me?" (13) "Be gracious, I am your devotee, relieve my mind's distress. This folded palms offering has been made to you." (14) "Just as the sky without the sun, or the night without the moon, I do not shine without you, bereft of virtues as well." (15) "Reproaching the one residing in the mind, she sheds large pearls from her eyes." (16) "Even though present on the delicate flower-beds, by the command of the guru, she maintains her composure." (17) "Bearing her own whirling like a chakra, wandering due to lack of samskara, her matted hair." (18) "She appears fiery from the heat of anguish, watery from the continuous flow of tears, empty like the sky, and motionless like the earth." (19) "Formed by the continuous flow of vayus, she resembles the element of air. Devoid of consciousness, she is like the four elements." (20) "Able to sit on the ground, but unable to rise up, having placed her hands on the shoulders of her companions." (22) "She envies the clever women who are always with their beloved, her unmoving eyes fixed on them." (23) "Having endured the insult of her beloved, without any reason, she passed days of great difficulty, like years." (24)