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## Chapter Fourteen
**323** Just as a stone cannot save another stone in water, so a householder cannot save a householder who has come to him for refuge. **232** Those who have burned away their sins through austerity and are light, knowing the truth, they alone are able to save people through their teachings. **233** This human realm is like a precious island in the vast ocean of samsara. It is obtained with great difficulty. **234** Having reached this precious island, wise people should take hold of the jewels of the vows, for they must inevitably leave this body and pass through the cycle of existence. **235** Just as someone grinds up jewels to obtain thread, so people grind up the jewels of dharma for worldly things. **236** The body and everything else is impermanent, there is no refuge in anyone, the body is impure, the soul is separate from the body, it alone experiences pleasure and pain, contemplate the nature of samsara, consider the diversity of the world, reflect on the vices of the asravas, contemplate the glory of samvara, think of ways to exhaust past karma, consider the rarity of enlightenment, and contemplate the greatness of dharma - these twelve contemplations have been spoken by the Jina, they should be held in the heart always. **237-239** Whoever practices dharma according to their ability, will enjoy the fruits of that practice in the realms of gods and humans. **240**
Thus speaking, Bhanukarna asked the omniscient Anantbal, "O Lord, I now wish to know about the vows and their distinctions." **241** In response, the Lord said, "O Bhanukarna, pay attention and understand. Vows and austerity are not two separate things." **242** One who is bound by vows is called an ascetic according to their strength, therefore, a wise person should be engaged in vows or austerity in every way. **243** Wise people should accumulate even a little bit of merit, for just as drops of water falling together create great rivers that flow to the sea, so too... **244** Whoever gives up food for even a moment in the day, will receive the same fruit as a month-long fast. **245**