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## Chapter 14
**Verse 147:** The gods, along with the apsaras, enjoy immense pleasure born from the object of desire, where all the necessary equipment is created simply by the power of thought.
**Verse 148:** The pleasure that is experienced in the human realm, as well as in the realm of the Yantrikas, is all declared by the Jina masters to be the fruit of Dharma.
**Verse 149:** Whatever is experienced as pleasure in the upper, middle, and lower realms, by the enjoyers, is all born from Dharma.
**Verse 150:** The protection of thousands of human beings by a giver, enjoyer, and establisher of order, is to be understood as the fruit born from Dharma.
**Verse 151:** The dominion of Indra over thousands of gods adorned with beautiful ornaments is the fruit born from Dharma.
**Verse 152:** The attainment of the Siddha-loka by those who are adorned with the three jewels of Right Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct, and who have destroyed the enemy of delusion, is the fruit of pure Dharma.
**Verse 153:** Without obtaining a human birth, one cannot obtain this Dharma. Therefore, the attainment of human birth is the most excellent of all births.
**Verse 154:** Just as a king is the best among humans, a lion among animals, and Garuda among birds, so too is human birth the best among all births.
**Verse 155:** Dharma, which is the best in the three worlds and bestows pleasure on all the senses, is performed only in the human body. Therefore, the human body is the most excellent.
**Verse 156:** After wandering through thousands of births as a crawling creature, a being may or may not obtain a human birth.
**Verse 157:** Having obtained this rare human birth, which is the cause of liberation from suffering, if a person does not practice Dharma, they will again fall into the cycle of suffering.
**Verse 158:** Just as a precious jewel lost in the ocean is difficult to find, so too is it difficult to regain a lost human birth.
**Verse 159:** By performing Dharma appropriately in this human life, all living beings attain the fruits of heaven and beyond.
**Verse 160:** Having heard all this, Bhanukarna was very pleased. With devotion, he bowed down to the lotus-eyed omniscient being and asked a question with folded hands.