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The one who stood for a thousand years, with a body like a thunderbolt, holding the steady yoga, with long arms, and a matted hair reaching the earth. || 289 || He was embraced by his devotees, the fierce kings, like Kacha and others, who had taken the vow of nakedness. But, afflicted by the severe austerities, they finally abandoned the vow and took to wearing bark and other things. || 290 || Those who did not know the ultimate truth, afflicted by hunger and other miseries, were content with fruits and other food. It was they who created the ascetics and others. || 291 || When the Lord Rishabhadeva was near the great banyan tree, he attained the omniscient knowledge, which illuminates all things. || 292 || At that time, the gods worshipped him at that place, and even today, people follow the same method of worship. That is, the worship of the banyan tree today originates from the omniscient knowledge and auspiciousness of Lord Rishabhadeva. || 293 || The gods with noble hearts established his images in that place, and humans with great festivals installed his images in beautiful temples. || 294 || The Brahmanas, who were created by the emperor Bharata, the son of Lord Rishabhadeva, and his son Marichi, due to their pride and arrogance, spread throughout the world, causing suffering to living beings like poison drops in water. || 295-296 || Those who have established a tradition of evil conduct, who are full of pride, who wear various kinds of deceitful garments, and who hold fierce and sharp weapons, have deluded this world. || 297 || This entire world is filled with the darkness of extremely cruel actions, which are constantly in motion. Its light of merit has been extinguished, and it is eager to disrespect the virtuous. || 298 || The emperor Subhumi destroyed these Brahmanas twenty-one times on this earth, yet they did not attain complete annihilation. || 299 || Therefore, O Dasanana, how can you pacify them? Tell me yourself. Be pacified yourself. There is no purpose in killing living beings. || 300 || When even the omniscient Jinas could not free this world from evil, then how can we, ordinary people, do it? || 301 ||