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Eleventh Chapter
Then they cried out, "O Visvarodar, why are you angry with us? Why are you trying to kill us?" ||97|| "Please be merciful and release us, we are innocent, O great and powerful God. We are all your devotees and will obey all your commands." ||98|| Then the Rakshasa said to them, "Just as the animals you killed go to heaven, so too will you go to heaven after being killed by me." ||99|| Saying this, he threw some of them into another island where there was no human presence. He threw others into the vast ocean, and some into the midst of cruel animals like lions. ||100|| He spun some of them around and around, smashing them against the rocky ground, making a sound like a washerman beating clothes. ||101|| They were all in a state of agony and fear of death. They remembered their parents, children, and brothers, and then met their end. ||102|| Those who remained were deluded by the false scriptures and increased the violence of the Yajna shown to them by the Rakshasa. ||103|| Those who do not perform this terrible Yajna of violence do not go to the terrible hell that brings great suffering. ||104|| The origin of this Yajna of violence that I have described to you was a king named Shrenik, who was wise and the son of Ratna Shrava. ||105|| Then Ravana arrived at the royal city, which was like heaven. Outside the city, a king named Marutvan was sitting in the Yajna hall. ||106|| A famous Brahmin named Samvarta, who was well-versed in the religion of violence, was the chief priest of the Yajna and was giving instructions to the king according to the scriptures. ||107|| All the Brahmins on earth were invited to this Yajna, and they came with their wives, children, and other relatives, driven by greed. ||108|| The entire Yajna was filled with the sounds of auspicious chants and the eager faces of those who were hoping for rewards. The earth trembled with the power of the Yajna. ||109||