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The mountain was covered with a multitude of white shores like the clouds of autumn, and it seemed to be washing the entire world with its rays of light, as if with milk. ||119|| In some of its caves, lions were sleeping without fear, and in others, trees were swaying in the wind caused by the breath of sleeping serpents. ||120|| In some of its forests, herds of deer were playing, and in others, herds of intoxicated elephants were standing. ||121|| In some places, it seemed as if its hairs were standing on end, due to the abundance of flowers, and in others, its form was terrifying due to the long manes of ferocious bears. ||122|| In some places, it seemed as if it were covered with a forest of lotuses, due to the red mouths of monkeys, and in others, the fragrance of sandalwood was spreading due to the water flowing from the trees that had been broken by rhinoceroses and elephants. ||123|| In some places, clouds were being born, embraced by lightning-like vines, and in others, the sky was shining with peaks that were as bright as the sun. ||124|| With its dense forests of tall trees, adorned with fragrant flowers, the mountain seemed to be eager to conquer the Pandu forest. ||125|| Descending upon the mountain, Dasanana saw the great sage, who was immersed in the ocean of meditation and surrounded by a halo of brilliance. ||126|| His two arms were hanging down like the trunks of elephants, and he seemed to be a large sandalwood tree embraced by serpents. ||127|| He was sitting motionless on a stone seat, engaged in the practice of sun-worship, and he was causing doubt in the minds of living beings, as to whether they were alive or not. ||128|| Recognizing him as Bali, Dasanana was consumed by the fire of anger, remembering their past enmity. ||129|| With his brows furrowed, his lips chewing, and his voice harsh, Dasanana, who was radiant in form, spoke to the sage without fear. ||130|| "Oh, what a fine penance you have begun! Even now, my chariot is being held back by your pride." ||131||