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137. Then, in the Padma Purana, there was a wedding ceremony for them, and a great festival lasting three days, celebrating knowledge.
138. They all departed, with his permission, to their respective homes. He, attracted by the virtues of Mandodari, went to the city of Swayamprabha.
139. Seeing him, adorned with great splendor, accompanied by his wives, his relatives were overjoyed, their eyes wide with delight.
140. From afar, Bhanukarna and Vibhishana, along with other friends and relatives, came out to greet him.
141. Surrounded by them, he entered the magnificent city of Swayamprabha. They all enjoyed themselves there, attaining supreme happiness.
142. In the city of Kumbhapura, there was a beautiful daughter named Taḍinmālā, born to the king, Mahōdara.
143. Bhanukarna, delighted, obtained her as his wife. Immersed in the ocean of love, he enjoyed her charming and playful nature.
144. In Kumbhapura, a loud noise was made by an enemy. Hearing the cries of his father-in-law, Bhanukarna was deeply affected.
145. From then on, he became known in the world as Kumbhakarna. He was a valiant warrior, devoted to righteousness, and a master of the arts.
146. Wicked people have misrepresented him. They say he lived on flesh and blood and slept for six months.
147. His food was pure, sweet, and prepared according to his desire. It was fragrant and he always entertained his guests first, before eating with his family.
148. He slept at dusk and woke at dawn. The rest of his time was spent in religious activities.
149. Those who are devoid of the knowledge of the Supreme Truth, and who slander the virtuous, are destined for hell. Shame on them!
150. In the southern region, there is a city called Jyotiprabha. There, the king, Mayamahasuhrit, is as pure as a lotus.