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In the Padma Purana, wealth was given freely, without any thought. Even the elephants danced with their swaying trunks. ||16||
Disasters occurred in the homes of enemies, signifying sorrow. In the homes of relatives, auspicious omens arose, indicating great wealth. ||17||
Because the mother desired to enjoy the pleasures of Indra while the child was still in her womb, the father named him Indra. ||18||
Even as a child, his games were those of a powerful young man, conquering his enemies, humbling their pride, and engaging in noble deeds. ||19||
Gradually, he attained youth, surpassing the sun in brilliance, the moon in radiance, and the mountains in steadfastness. ||20||
His chest was as broad as an elephant's trunk, his arms round, and his vast chest seemed to encompass all directions. ||21||
His thighs, strong as pillars, were round and with hidden knees, achieving ultimate stability by supporting the edifice of his chest. ||22||
Through his victory, all the Vidhyadhara kings on Mount Vijayadhagi were subdued, their pride humbled, and they became obedient to him, thanks to his immense power and wealth. ||23||
He built a palace as magnificent as Indra's, with forty-eight thousand wives. Twenty-six thousand dancers performed, and there was an endless procession of elephants and horses that flew through the sky. ||24-25||
There was a king of elephants, white as the moon, tall, traversing the celestial courtyard, invincible, mighty, adorned with eight tusks, with a large, round trunk that seemed to sweep through the directions, renowned for his qualities on earth. He was named Airavata. ||26-27||
He appointed four Lokapalas, each possessing supreme power in their respective directions, his queen was named Sachi, and his assembly was called Sudharma. ||28||
He had a weapon called Vajra, three assemblies, groups of Apsaras, a commander named Harinakeshi,
1. Shaktā M. I Shaktā Kh. 2. Satvarī M. 3. Nirahasām M. 4. Khyātā Ramyā tatha Sabhā K. 5. Vakra K.