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In the Padma Purana,
A king who abandons his kingdom and becomes a Shraman is considered great. He attains connection with tapasya, which is called shram. ||211|| This word is clearly distinct and has other uses. Just as one who holds a staff is called a "yashti" and one who holds a spear is called a "kunta," similarly, those who sit on a platform are called "mancha." ||212|| In the same way, those who have the mark of a monkey on their umbrellas and other things are known as "vanara" in the world. ||214|| The great Shreyansnath and Vasupujya, in their time, had the mark of a monkey on their crowns, and those who came after them in their lineage also followed this tradition. Indeed, following the practices of one's ancestors brings great joy. ||215-216|| Thus, the origin of the monkey lineage has been briefly explained. Now, I will tell you another story. ||217|| In the excellent city of Kishkun, there was a king of the vanara lineage named Mahodadhi. His wife was named Vidyutprakasha, who was a treasure trove of feminine qualities. She captivated her husband's heart with her actions. She was the crown jewel of hundreds of beautiful women, due to her good fortune, beauty, knowledge, and other actions. ||218-220|| This king, Mahodadhi, had one hundred and eight valiant sons. He entrusted the burden of the kingdom to them and enjoyed his pleasures. ||221|| In the tirtha of Muni Suvratnath, Mahodadhi was a famous vidyadhara. He always kept the vidyadharas captivated with his wondrous deeds. ||222|| At that time, in Lanka, there was a famous king named Vidyutkesha, who was like the moon in the sky of the Rakshasa lineage and was very dear to the people. ||223|| Mahodadhi and Vidyutkesha had great affection for each other, which grew due to their frequent visits to each other's places. Their minds were one, only their bodies were separate. ||224|| Knowing the greatness of Shramanhood, Vidyutkesha, who was like the sound of the ocean, embraced Shramanhood and became a master of the ultimate truth. ||225||