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In the Padma Purana,
'When the Alokasvahat Swami Purusha was released, after testing his brother's affection, he gave him great wealth. || 156 ||
Then, abandoning his wicked wife, he took initiation after instructing his younger brother. The elder brother became Indra, while the younger brother died in peace. || 157 ||
The younger brother's soul, having fallen from heaven, became Shrikant. To guide him, the elder brother's soul, who had become the glorious Indra, went to Nandishwar Dweep, revealing himself. || 158 ||
Seeing Indra, your father Shrikant regained his memory of his past life. The elders told this story to Vajrakant. || 159 ||
Hearing this story, Vajrakant became a muni, giving his kingdom to his son Vajra Prabha. Vajra Prabha also became a muni, giving his kingdom to his son Indramat. || 160 ||
Then, Indramat had a son named Meru, Meru had a son named Mandar, Mandar had a son named Samiranagati, Samiranagati had a son named Raviprabha, and Raviprabha had a son named Amaraprabha. Amaraprabha brought Gunavati, the daughter of the king of Lanka, to his city for marriage. || 161 - 162 ||
The ground where the wedding altar was built was as clear as a mirror. The wives of the Vidyadharas had created many wondrous paintings with jewels. In one place, there was a forest of lotuses embraced by bees, in another, a forest of blue lotuses, in another, a forest of half red and half blue lotuses, in another, pairs of swans with lotus stalks in their beaks, and in another, pairs of cranes, sarasa birds, and other birds. The Vidyadharas had also created images of monkeys with very smooth, five-colored, jeweled powder. Seeing these, the king of the Vidyadharas, Amaraprabha, was filled with great joy. It is right, for beautiful forms often captivate the hearts of even brave and noble men. || 163 - 167 ||
While King Amaraprabha was overjoyed, the bride Gunavati was terrified at the sight of the monkeys with their distorted faces. Her whole body trembled, and all her ornaments shook. || 168 ||