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The Sixth Chapter
Seeing the sea, which was like a blue gem, spread over the earth, he was filled with wonder. The sea was trembling due to the movement of huge crocodiles. ||86||
Then he reached the monkey island, which was like another heaven. The sound of waterfalls was like a welcome address. ||87||
The waterfalls were so large that their spray reached the sky. The island seemed to be laughing with joy at the arrival of Shrikantha. ||88||
The island was adorned with beautiful groups of various gems, which looked like tall arches. ||89||
Then Shrikantha descended on the island, which was full of wonders. He looked in all directions with his blue lotus-like eyes. ||90||
The island was adorned with date palms, gooseberry trees, neem trees, kitha trees, agarwood trees, sandalwood trees, banyan trees, koha trees, kadamba trees, mango trees, achar trees, banana trees, pomegranate trees, betel nut trees, kankol trees, clove trees, and many other beautiful trees. ||91-92||
The trees were so beautiful that they looked like gem-studded trees that had emerged from the earth. They did not allow their gaze to wander away from themselves. ||93||
The trunks of the trees were straight, and their branches were very thick. The dense foliage above looked like umbrellas. The branches were bright and slightly drooping, and they were adorned with clusters of flowers and sweet fruits. They seemed to have attained the best lineage. ||94-95||
The trees were not very tall, nor were they very short. They were just the right height for women to easily reach their flowers, fruits, and leaves. ||96||
The creeper-like women, who were beautiful with their cluster-like breasts, whose eyes were like bees, and whose hands were like fluttering leaves, were embracing the trees with great affection. ||97||
The trees seemed to be talking to each other with the sweet sound of birds, and they were adorned with the sweet humming of bees, as if they were singing. ||98||
Some trees were white like conch shells, some were yellow like gold, some were pink like lotuses, and some were blue like lapis lazuli. ||99||
1. प्राप्तस्वर्ग- म. । 2. इच्छिता म. । 3. चिक्षिपन् म. । 4. समालापं ख. ।