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The Shruta Sagar Muni, adorned with the four knowledges, sat humbly before the Maharaksha Vidyadhara and said briefly:
"O King! In the city of Podanpur in the Bharat Kshetra, there lived a man named Hit. His wife's name was Madhavi, and you were their son, named Priti.
"In the same city of Podanpur, there reigned a king named Hemarath, born to King Udayachala and Queen Arhacchee.
"One day, he performed a grand puja in the Jain temple with great devotion, astonishing everyone.
"Hearing the loud chants of 'Jai' during the puja, you too, filled with joy, exclaimed 'Jai'.
"Overwhelmed with joy, you couldn't stay inside the house and went out to dance in the courtyard, like a cloud dances at the sound of thunder.
"As a result of the merit you accumulated from this act, you died and became a Yaksha, bringing joy to the eyes of the Yakshas.
"Later, in the city of Kanchanpur in the western Videha Kshetra, enemies began to harass the monks.
"You separated those enemies and protected the monks engaged in their religious practices. By doing so, you accumulated a vast amount of merit.
"From there, you transmigrated to the Vidyadhara mountain, Taddidangad, and were born as the son of the Vidyadhara, Udit, and Vidyadhari, Shri Prabha.
"Once, the king of the Vidyadharas, named Amaravikram, came to pay homage to the monks. Seeing him, you wished for such grandeur for yourself.
"After performing severe austerities, you became a god in the Aishana heaven. From there, you transmigrated and became the son of Meghavahana, the Maharaksha.
"Just as the wheel of the sun's chariot constantly rotates, you too, under the influence of your senses, the tongue and the female, have wandered through the world.
"If all the bodies you have acquired and abandoned in other births were to be gathered together, they would never fit in the three worlds.
"You were not satisfied with the pleasures of the gods, which are enjoyed for millions of kalpas, nor with the pleasures of the Vidyadharas, who can create their own desires.
"Tell me about your previous birth."