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The sky was filled with fragrant flowers, attracting swarms of bees, falling in various forms. Salutations to the one who traverses the realms of existence, adorned with the forms of the steadfast immortals. ||25|| Great drums resounded, their sound like the roar of a churning ocean, struck by the palm leaves of invisible gods. ||26|| Two Yakshas, their eyes like lotus buds, adorned with all ornaments, waved their white, moon-bright fly whisks at will. ||27|| A throne arose, resembling the peak of Mount Meru, a crown for the earth-goddess, eclipsing the sun with its radiance. ||28|| A triple umbrella emerged, a symbol of dominion over the three realms, adorned with strings of pearls, its brilliance like the pure glory of the Lord. ||29|| Only the Kevali, the Perfect One, can describe the beauty of the Lord seated on the throne amidst the assembly. We, mere mortals, are incapable of such a task. ||30||
Then, knowing of the Lord's attainment of Kevala Jnana, all the Indras, accompanied by their families, arrived swiftly to pay their respects. ||31|| First among them was the renowned Ganadhara, the Muni Raja, Vrishabhasena. After him, other Muni Rajas, adorned with great dispassion, became Ganadharas. ||32|| When the Munis, Shravakas, and Devas were all seated in their respective places in the assembly, the Ganadhara urged the Lord to preach. ||33|| The Lord, silencing the sound of the divine drums with his own voice, spoke the following words, revealing the essence of truth. ||34|| He said, "In this entire three-world universe, for those seeking the welfare of all beings, Dharma is the ultimate refuge, and from it comes the highest happiness." ||35|| "All actions are undertaken for happiness, and happiness arises from Dharma. Knowing this, O noble ones, strive to accumulate Dharma." ||36|| "Without clouds, how can there be rain? Without seeds, how can there be crops? Similarly, without Dharma, how can there be happiness for beings?" ||37|| "Just as a lame man desires to walk, a mute man desires to speak, and a blind man desires to see, so too, without Dharma, there is no happiness." ||38||