country and king; and sleeping away the whole night even if one is not diseased or exhausted by walking on the road.
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जिनेन्द्रभवनस्यान्तराहारं च चतुर्विधम् ॥८१॥ Meaning : More over, an intelligent person should avoid carelessness in conduct, acts, and activities such as sexual enjoyment and laughing loudly, spitting, sleeping, quarrel, bad talks, and four types of food etc. in a temple of the Jina.
First Shiksha-vrata O FITIZETTAFT FATURAT: 1
मुहूर्त समता या तां विदुः सामायिकं व्रतम् ॥२॥ Meaning : Samayika vrata is vow of mental equilibrium in which equilibrium of mind is observed for at least one muhurta (forty eight minutes or two ghatikas) by abandoning thoughts of pain and fear as well as any sinful activities.
सामायिकव्रतस्थस्य गहिरणोऽपि स्थिरात्मनः । चन्द्रावतंसकस्येव क्षीयते कर्मसञ्चितम् ॥३॥
Meaning : Like the king named Chandra Vatansaka, éven laymen who are observing the vow of samayika and whose thoughts are under their control, destroy the accumulated karmas.
Yoga Shashtra
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