वृषभान् दमय क्षेत्रं कृषषण्ढय वाजिनः ।
दाक्षिण्याविषये पापोपदेशोऽयं न युज्यते ॥७६।। Meaning : Sinful instructions such as “opress the oxen”, “till the land”, “castrate the horses”, should never be given to any one excepting one's own brother, wife, or son and that too when it is absolutely essential for fulfilling one's duty as a householder.
यन्त्र-लाभल- शस्त्राग्नि - मुशलोदूखलादिकम् ।
दाक्षिण्याविषये हिंस्र नापयेत् करुणापरः ॥७७।। Meaning : To those who are not circumspect in using them, one who is compassionate should never give articles or instruments through which the least injury to living beings is possible to be done; such as a machine, plough, weapon, fire, pestle, grinding machine etc. etc.
कुतूहलाद्गीतनृत्त नाटकादिनिरीक्षणम् । कामशास्त्रप्रसक्तिश्च द्यूतमद्यादिसेवनम् ॥७८।। जलक्रीडान्दोलनादिविनोदो जन्तुयोधनम् । रिपोः सुतादिना वैरं भक्तस्त्रोदेशराटकथा ॥७९॥ रोगमार्गश्रमौ मुक्त्वा स्वापश्च सकलां निशाम् ।
एवमादि परिहरेत् प्रमादाचरणं सुधीः ।।८।। Meaning : An intelligent person should avoid carelessness in conduct, acts, and activities like witnessing with curiosity musical concerts, dance, and dramas; enjoying erotic science; gambling; drinking wine; amorous sports in swimming, bath etc.; pleasures of swinging; animal fights; wreaking vengeance on the enemies sons; indulging in talks on dinner, women,
Third Chapter
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