Second Shiksha-vrata
यत्तस्य संक्षेपणं पुनः ।
दिखते दिने रात्रौ च देशावका शिकव्रतमुच्यते ॥ ६४ ॥
Meaning: Digvrata is a vow about the extent to which one can go in all the ten directions severally. While in the desh avakashika vrata a restriction is made as regards the extent to which one can go every day.
Third Shiksha-vrata
चतुः पय चतुर्थादि कुव्यापार निषेधनम् । ब्रह्मचर्यक्रियास्नानादित्यागः पौषधव्रतम् ॥८५॥
Meaning: On four special holy-days, a householder should observe the pausadha vrata which consists of observance of fast, avoidance of sinful activities, observance of celibacy and avoidance of taking care of the body by way of decoration, dress, etc. Thus, pausadha vrata is of four types.
गृहिणोऽपि हि धन्यास्ते पुण्यं ये पौषधव्रतम् । दुःपालं पालयन्त्येव यथा स चुलनीपिता ॥ ८६ ॥
Meaning: Those, householders really deserve (1 lot of) praise who observe like Chulanipita, the holy pausadha vrata which is difficult to be observed.
Third Chapter
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